You know you have an entrepreneurial spirit but the fear of the unexpected is holding you back. Admittedly, opening a franchise will come with a wave of new experiences, especially if you’ve never been the boss before. While we can’t predict your future, we can tell you a little bit about what to expect from your first year of franchising.

Occasional Overtime

Running your own business can create a lot of scheduling freedom down the line, but don’t expect to work half days or take a month-long vacation in the first year. If you’re coming from a 9-5 environment, you may even need to mentally prepare for evening and weekend shifts and putting in occasional overtime.

When does that scheduling freedom come? Once you have a managerial team you can trust, you can take a step back from day-to-day operations. Until then, you may need to carry some extra weight to ensure the success of your business.

Tight Cash Flow

Depending on your franchise, you’re probably looking at much lower startup costs than entrepreneurs starting a business from scratch. That means you have the potential to start turning a real profit sooner rather than later. However, the cash flow may be tight in the first year.

In addition to paying franchise royalty fees and employee wages, new franchise owners should focus on paying down any loans used to cover upfront costs. As the word gets out about your business and you build a steady client base, it will get easier to meet your financial obligations and pocket a profit.

Client and Employee Turnover

One of the benefits of opening a franchise is that you’re tapping into established branding that your local client pool may recognize already. That recognition creates trust, and that trust gets clients through the door. Still, clients will make their own judgments once they arrive, and it’s important not to get discouraged by one-time shoppers.

It can also take several months to build a reliable team. Some new hires may decide the job isn’t for them, and that’s okay. With experience and time, you’ll learn how to spot a good candidate and staff your franchise with great workers.

A Sense of Pride

Just like with any job, not every day is going to feel like the best day. That first year can be an emotional rollercoaster filled with triumphs, setbacks, and the frustration of trial and error. For those who are called to the world of entrepreneurship, the challenge is worth it, and every success is a source of pride.

At All Dogs Unleashed, we’re there for our franchisees every step of the way. From our low startup costs and royalty fees to our thorough training, we go above and beyond to give every branch the support they need to thrive. If you’re ready to take the plunge, learn more about our franchising opportunities today.

Starting a traditional business from the ground up demands a great deal of effort and capital, and there is little guarantee of success. It can take years to start turning a profit, which, for many people, isn’t an option. Opening a franchise can eliminate some of these barriers while allowing entrepreneurs to focus on their strengths. Let’s take a look at how franchising reduces new business risks.

Built-In Brand Reputation

Brand reputation is an important starting place for any business and has one of the biggest influences on customer decision-making. For example, over 90% of customers will read online reviews before deciding where to spend their money. When you’re starting from scratch, you’re asking customers to take a chance on a business they’ve never heard of and that has a small digital footprint.

Franchises have the advantage of built-in brand reputation. When local customers look up your business, they’ll access everything from your franchise’s parent website to positive reviews for other branches, inspiring instant trust.

Time-Tested Products and Services

One of the biggest financial drains for startups is the trial and error of new products and services. Making prototypes, conducting studies, and tweaking your business model will require further investment without yielding any income.

When you become a franchisee, you’re adopting a business model and products or services that your parent company already invested in. In exchange for an initial investment and royalty fees, you’ll access products and services that have been proven to appeal to customers and turn a profit.

Accessible Training Materials

As a business founder, you’re not just responsible for developing something customers will find valuable. You’re also responsible for developing internal procedures and training employees to do the job well and represent the brand. This can be a daunting process, especially when you’re new to the managerial side of business.

Franchises provide training support for both individual franchise owners and their employees. This can include everything from in-person or virtual training sessions to materials like videos and handbooks.

Dedication to Customer Service

One of the best parts about franchise risk reduction is that it allows franchisees to zero in on their individual strengths. Without having to spend years developing your business model, you can put more time and energy into developing the culture of your individual neighborhood business.

This can lead to outstanding customer service. You’ll have immediate access to everything you need to open a turnkey operation and can foster an environment of positivity and community. This is a great way to quickly build a loyal customer base and maximize profits.

Reliable Franchise Support

Franchises often grant their franchisees a good deal of independence to cater the business to local needs and desires. However, they have a vested interest in the success of each franchise location and offer ongoing support and troubleshooting to help franchisees navigate potential pitfalls.

At All Dogs Unleashed, we’re always thrilled to add another branch to our growing family tree. Learn more about ADU franchising opportunities today.


Franchisees don’t have to start from scratch. They receive training and guidance on everything from the business model to the best marketing tactics. With all that support, how much independence do franchisees have? More than you think! Read on to learn some of the key areas where you can majorly impact your All Dogs Unleashed franchise.

Choosing Your Location

Depending on the franchise you join, you’ll likely have a good deal of autonomy in choosing the property for your business. You may need to prioritize certain features, particularly usable square footage, but you can use your own knowledge of your city to pick the best neighborhood or shopping center for your business. Some franchises will let you decide between buying and renting your commercial property, although you’ll need to secure your own funding for either option.

Staffing Your Location

Franchisees have the same staffing opportunities as ground-up business owners. While your franchise may have recommendations or requirements about the number of employees you hire and the roles they fulfill, the rest is up to you. Though they share a business model, each franchise has its own unique personality. Who you hire will play one of the biggest roles in shaping your store’s culture and work environment.

Building Community

No matter how big your franchise’s presence is across the nation, each location should function and feel like a local business. When you invest in your customers and get to know their needs, habits, and desires, you position yourself to become one of their most trusted businesses in town. There is no better support than the support of your regulars, and it’s up to you and your employees to foster those lasting relationships.

Hosting or Participating in Events

Does your community have a weekly farmer’s market that all sorts of businesses participate in? Does your shopping center throw a block party that attracts tons of foot traffic? One of the great ways to build a community and spread brand awareness is to get involved in events outside of your storefront. As long as you stay true to your franchise branding and image, you’re free to join in the fun!

Running Social Media Profiles

This one will certainly vary from one franchise to another, but many franchises allow individual franchisees to run their own social media profiles. Social media is a great way to engage community members and get them excited about your services or upcoming specials. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook make it easy to share your expertise and build trust with soon-to-be customers.

Managing Your Finances

Every franchise will have startup costs and royalties. You’re in control when securing your funding to cover startup costs. Any revenue you have after paying royalties is yours to manage. At ADU, we offer competitively low startup fees and royalties, ensuring that each of our franchisees has the most financial independence possible.

Are you ready to blend a successful business model with your own personal touches? Learn more about ADU franchising today!

As a future franchisee, you have hundreds of options to choose from. Once you’ve decided that All Dogs Unleashed suits your skills, interests, and budget, there’s only one thing left to do: research your market. Read on for five signs that an All Dogs Unleashed franchise is right for your community.

  1. Dog Ownership Rates are Booming

One of the most important things that will determine the success of a franchise is demand. In this case, you’re only going to see high demand if you have high rates of dog ownership in your community.

Across the nation, dog ownership rates increased in 2020 and 2021, when the pandemic limited what we could do and where we could go. While new adoption numbers may be stabilizing in your community, the chances are high that you’re still working with historically high demand.

  1. Your Dog Owner Demographics Skew Young

When you’re evaluating the size of your target market, demographic data comes in handy. Who is most committed to their canine companion’s well-being? More importantly, who is willing to invest in things like training, one of ADU’s top services?

Older generations may have the most spending power, but Gen Z and Millennials are the biggest spenders when it comes to pet care. If you have a large population of dog owners under the age of 45, you’re on track to develop a loyal customer base.

  1. You’ve Found Available Real Estate in a Dog-Friendly Neighborhood

Location is another major factor in the potential for franchise success. Accessibility is key, whether by foot or by car. For example, commercial real estate with dedicated parking spots cuts down on the stress of getting to appointments on time or dropping by for walk-in services.

Finding a location in a dog-friendly neighborhood is the optimal choice for visibility and brand awareness. When you have a dog park around the corner or a dog-friendly restaurant across the street, your ADU franchise is guaranteed to draw attention.

  1. At Least One ADU Service Would Fill a Void

ADU offers a unique business model that dog owners love. We’re a one-stop-shop for grooming, training, and boarding. Even if local businesses offer one or two of these services, you’ll retain your competitive edge by offering all three.

When sizing up your competition, it’s also useful to look at things like customer reviews and pricing. This can give you a clear sense of what your community likes and dislikes about existing businesses and determine of ADU would better meet their needs.

  1. You Can Easily Create a Buzz About All Dogs Unleashed

Once you’ve conducted your own market research, there’s only one thing left to do: crowd source. Use social media platforms or word of mouth to start asking your local dog owners if they’d be interested in a business like ADU.

If all signs point to All Dogs Unleashed succeeding in your community, it’s time to make moves! Learn more about our franchising opportunities today.

We’ve talked before about the merits of opening a franchise. The problem is that once you commit to the idea of franchising, you still have hundreds of businesses to choose from! Let’s take a look at the steps you can take to narrow down your options so you end up picking the right franchise for you.

Assess Your Skills and Interests

Before looking for external inspiration, do a little bit of internal evaluation. What kinds of industries have you worked in before? For example, have you spent any time working in the food industry? Do you have a background in retail and customer service? While opening a franchise is a great way to learn the ropes of an industry using a tried-and-tested business model, utilizing your skills can contribute to your overall success.

Though it can be overwhelming at first, one of the great things about having so many franchises to choose from is that you can open a business that genuinely interests you. How can you apply your skillset to a niche that sparks your passion? This is your chance to create the role you’ve always dreamed of.

Do Some Market Research

There are two things you want to assess when bringing a new business to your community. The first is your consumer base. Would a substantial number of people in your community become patrons of your business? Is there a significant need or desire for the products or services you’d be providing?

The second is your competition. Is someone else already fulfilling that need and desire? If the market is oversaturated with similar businesses and your community members are satisfied with their current options, you may want to keep looking. The goal is to find a franchise that will gain momentum quickly because it meets a need and fills a void.

Consider Your Financing Options

Unsurprisingly, the cost to open a franchise varies quite a bit depending on the franchise you choose. Generally speaking, startup costs will need to cover things like:

  • Initial franchise fees
  • Business insurance
  • Commercial property rent
  • Marketing expenses
  • Payroll and benefits for employees

It’s often helpful to consult with a financial advisor to determine how much you can realistically spend to start a franchise. At ADU, we believe that opening a franchise shouldn’t be inaccessible. Our franchise fee is $49,500 and additional startup costs range between $50,000 and $100,000.

Pick a Business Model That Works

Finally, it’s important that you learn more about the success of a franchise before you invest in it. It’s easy to assume that popular or well-known franchises consistently have a high rate of success, but this isn’t always the case.

All Dogs Unleashed is the fastest-growing dog training franchise for a reason. We have combined our love of dogs with high-quality services that owners really need, from at-home training sessions to boarding and grooming. If you’re looking for your next endeavor, learn more about what ADU has to offer.