Learning to walk off-leash can have a positive impact on your dog’s physical health, mental stimulation, and socialization skills. An off-leash dog can bound across the beach, run freely in the dog park, and venture ahead on the hiking trail without forgetting that you are in charge. Some dogs adapt to this freedom—and its limitations—with more ease than others. With the right training, just about any dog can become an off-leash walker.

Signs Your Dog is Ready for Off-Leash Training

There are a few indicators that your dog is a good candidate for off-leash training. First, she must be predictable and well-behaved around people and other dogs. That means no aggression, no jumping, and appropriate socialization skills.

Second, she needs strong recall. In dog training, recall means that your dog comes back to you when signaled. It’s useful for dogs to respond to their own name, but you can also use additional verbal commands, like come and heel, and incentives, like treats or toys.

Off-Leash Training Challenges

It’s one thing for your dog to respond when you call her name in a quiet and contained place, like your living room or backyard. It’s another to hold her attention when surrounded by new scents, other animals, and a plethora of distractions.

Dogs with a short attention span often struggle with off-leash training because it’s hard for them to stay focused on their owners in stimulating environments. You may struggle to override the natural instincts of dogs with a high prey drive, like scent hounds and sporting dogs. If your dog is easily startled or has too much energy when you let her off-leash, she may bolt out of sight before you have time to react.

Without the leash tethering your dog to your side, she can face unexpected dangers, like moving traffic, wild animals, and substances that are toxic to her system. It is crucial that both you and your dog are aware at all times that more freedom does not mean total freedom and that your commands can’t go unheeded just because there’s something interesting around the bend.

The Best Approach to Off-Leash Training

To prepare your dog for off-leash opportunities, start by improving her recall. Begin in a controlled environment, like your backyard or an enclosed dog park. Ask friends and family members to join your training sessions to provide increasing distractions. Stay consistent in your signaling and signal often, rewarding her each time she comes to you. Don’t let her off-leash in open areas like parks or trails until she shows consistent and prompt recall.

If this method doesn’t seem to be yielding results, don’t throw in the towel. It may seem borderline impossible to train a rambunctious or willful dog to walk off-leash properly, but the right training methods and resources can make all the difference. All Dogs Unleashed can help you to foster a deeper connection with your dog and build recall that you can count on when you unclip that leash.