6 basic dog commands

If you have a dog, chances are that you love it more than most things (and maybe even people) in your life. You get your furbaby the highest quality foods, spend time on their grooming, take them to the vet for regular checkups, and likely spend more money to keep them happy and healthy than you do on your own hobbies.


However, as much as you love to baby your dog, it is important to teach them a few basic commands. Not only would this make communication easier for both of you, but it would also build the foundation of a more enriching relationship with your dog. Read on to find out about the 6 basic dog commands that every dog parent should be aware of.

6 Basic Dog Commands

If you start dog training at a younger age, it will be easier for them to pick up on the commands. However, with a little patience and training, even older dogs can learn the following 6 basic dog commands.

1. Name Recognition

Before you train your dog for anything else, it is important to teach them to recognize their name. Without a proper way of addressing them, it can be hard to teach your pup other commands and exercises. Therefore, name recognition is the first step in instilling discipline in your dog. Dogs are intelligent creatures and will pick up on their name rather quickly.

An effective way to accelerate this process is to give them affirmation, followed by a treat. For instance, every time they look up when you call out their name, say something affirmative like “yes,” and give them a treat every few times. However, don’t overdo the treats, or they’ll start expecting one every time you call their name.

2. “No” or “Leave It”

So here’s one thing that every pet owner is aware of: It isn’t always easy to instruct your furbaby about the things that are bad for them, the things they should stay from, or things are things they aren’t supposed to do. That being said, it isn’t impossible, either. For instance, if your dog is about to eat something that may be harmful to them, you need to have a solid command to stop them.

One way you can do this is to show two treats to your dog. Hide one of the treats behind your back while holding the second one in your hand. As your dog tries to take the treat, pull it away from him and repeat “no” or “leave it” until he loses interest. Once your dog doesn’t want the treat anymore, step back for them to discover the hidden. This will instill the idea that “no” or “leave it” means they cannot have it while also rewarding them with a treat for their good behavior.

3. Sit

One of the most basic commands you’ll teach your dog is to sit. Dogs who understand this simple command are easier to control and would remain calmer in situations where other dogs may get stressed out.

As always, using a treat is the most effective way to teach this command. Hold a treat in your hand and use it to guide your dog to sit. As soon it lowers its bottoms and comes in a sitting position, say, “Sit,” out loud and offer them a treat. Repeat it a couple of times a day until the dog instinctively sits when you command it.

4. Come

“Come” is another crucial command that your dog needs to learn. No matter how carefully you handle your dog’s leash when you’re out, there will be times when you accidentally lose grip, or the dog becomes aggressive and gets free. Teaching them this command early on can help keep both of you out of trouble.

Put a collar and leash on your dog and take it for a walk. When it is a few feet away from you, gently tug at the leash and say, “come.” When the dog comes near you, offer them a treat. As you start noticing that the dog has started learning the command, do it without a leash.

5. Stay

Another command that will make it easier to keep your dog in control is “stay.” It can be helpful in a number of situations, such as when you need your dog to stay out of the way while you’re doing household chores.

It is easier to teach this command when the dog is already trained to “sit.” So if your dog hasn’t learned that command, take some time to teach your pup to sit. Once it has mastered that command, you can use “sit” as a starting point to teach them to stay. As they are already sitting, hold a treat in front of them and say, “Stay.” If they stay in place, offer them the treat. If they move, take the treat away.

6. Down

This is one of the more difficult commands to teach your dog is to stay “down.” However, it is a necessary command that needs to be taught. The reason it can be challenging is the fact that it requires the dog to be in a submissive position, which can be difficult for some dogs.

You will have to be very patient with your dog with this one and allow it to learn at its own pace. At the same time, you will have to build a strong and trusting relationship with your dog to achieve success with this command.


Remember, training your dog can take a lot of time. Even when it seems like it, the truth is that your dog cannot understand your language. Therefore, it is necessary to be patient with your furbaby and keep the training positive and relaxed. Sometimes it is best to find a dog training facility near you! All Dogs Unleashed has become nationally recognized as top-notch in the field!