BOISE BEHAVIOR SERVICES IN DALLAS 1. Jump Around Do not allow your dog to jump on guests, period. Even if you have a friend that insists “Oh it’s okay! I’m a dog person!” don’t allow your dog to jump up and greet them. Your pup doesn’t know the difference between a twenty-year-old who is a […]

DOG REHABILITATION PROGRAM There are several things we as puppy parents unintentionally do that mess with our dogs’ emotions. No matter how hard we try in our effort to be perfect, some of our human ways can lead to one confused pup. And sending mixed signals to our pups will make them more likely to […]

BOISE DOG OBEDIENCE SCHOOLS   Living with a pet can be beneficial to children. Pets can enhance a child’s self-esteem, teach them responsibility and help them to learn empathy. However, children and dogs are not always going to automatically start off with a wonderful relationship. Parents must be willing to teach the dog and the […]